Monday, March 13, 2006


How are cold sores spread?

The COLD SORES virus (HSV) usually enters your body through a break in the skin around or inside your mouth. Cold sores are spread through coughing, sneezing, direct contact with your cold sore, or touching contaminated fluid—such as from kissing an infected person and touching their saliva.
The cold sore virus can also be spread from one person to an area of someone else's body by touching an active cold sore or sharing objects that a person who has a cold sore has used. A parent who has a cold sore often spreads the infection to his or her child. COLD SORES.

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Saturday, March 11, 2006

Cold Sores Product Review

Cold sores, fever blisters, oral herpes.

Cold Sore Product Review:


Another company jumps on the cold sores and zinc bandwagon.

Zinc is an excellent treatment for cold sores, no doubt about that. It is well known as the healing mineral and works very well against herpes simplex virus. Taken internally in small quantities (50 mg.), zinc will help your body heal faster and is a powerful support mineral for men's prostates and sexual organs.

Zinc comes in many different forms.

The zinc oxide form you may have seen is the white ointment that lifeguards used on their noses and ears to prevent sunburn. Worked great for that but is of no value to you because the zinc oxide particles are too big to enter the skin when applied topically.

Zinc sulfate is a smaller particle and the type of zinc used in Novitra. This seems to work quite well as a topical cold sore remedies. You will see very good results with your cold sores from the use of Novitra.

Novitra, as far as cold sore remedies go, is expensive - much more than need be. At about $12.95 for a scant quarter ounce there are much better choices.

You may have heard of zinc lozenges for the treatment of colds. They provide zinc in the form of zinc gluconate that absorbs quickly through the mucus membranes of the mouth when you let them dissolve. I have read of one remedy for cold sores in which they suggest holding one of those lozenges on your cold sores and letting it dissolve this way. I haven't tried it but it seems like a lot of hassle.

In my opinion, if you want to use zinc on your cold sores, is to use a product called "Zicam".

You get a half-ounce of product for only about $7.95 and it's available just about anywhere today. A much better buy than Novitra - and I think a much better treatment for cold sores.

It's a zinc gluconate product (Zincum Gluconicum 2x) that has been sold as a cure for the common cold - and it works great for this. It will stop the common cold right in its tracks!

Zicam is a nasal delivery system - applied in each nostril, the zinc gluconate absorbs into the bloodstream in mere seconds through the mucus membrane. Applied to your cold sores, it will absorb instantly, and start the healing process.

This is, by far, the best zinc product for a cold sore.

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Sunday, March 05, 2006

Cold Sores: An Alien Virus

Cold Sores, Oral Herpes, Fever Blisters

Cold sores are blisters or sores on the face - normally occurring on the edge of your lip or nose.

"Cold sores" is the most common term used for these hideous, painful and contagious facial sores, however, they are also known as fever blisters or oral herpes. The root cause of all cold sores is an infection of either herpes simplex virus type 1 or type 2. About 83% of cold sores are caused by herpes type 1. Cold sores can also be caused by what is commonly responsible for genital cold sores - herpes simplex virus type 2. Type 2 is responsible for about 17% of cold sores.

Cold sores are "location specific", occurring in roughly the same place each time. The cold sores virus is normally latent, or asleep, in the nerve ganglia cells located behind the jaw near the brain stem on the same side of your face as your cold sores occur. The cold sores virus does not normally travel internally to infect other locations - but stays put in the area where your cold sores were first contracted. I have seen rare exceptions to this where the cold sores virus has spread to other areas within the body. My opinion on this is that the internal spreading of the cold sores virus did not come from a current cold sores infection but came from either a re-infection from someone else, or a mutated form of the cold sores virus version.

This herpes simplex virus spreading throughout your body is rare, but it can happen and it can be a life/death situation. Don't mean to alarm you but you have a right to know, and no one else I've seen is telling good people like you about it.

To avoid this possible internal spreading of the herpes simplex virus, you must cure each oral herpes outbreak as quickly as possible. The longer cold sores linger on your lip, the more new herpes simplex virus is being created, and the greater the risk for mutation and spreading.

I have several cold sore remedies that work well for curing cold sores, which I'll talk about in the future, but they require you to order the ingredients from several different companies and mix the recipe properly. This takes time for the products to arrive and costs you money.

There is one of my favorite cold sore remedies that I've seen work extremely well and you could be using in about 10 minutes from now. It heals cold sores so fast you honestly won't believe it. I'm talking maybe only 2 to 3 days tops. You probably don't need to buy a darned thing because most people have this in their home already. If buy rare chance you don't have this cold sore remedy in your home, you can get it anywhere for about $3.00 for a lifetime supply. No kidding. You honestly can't go wrong.

The remedy is available in a special report that can be downloaded in a minute and will cost you a little, but it will likely be the last money you'll ever spend on cold sores.

Whether you buy it or not, at least take a couple minutes to CLICK HERE NOW and read about it.

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Saturday, March 04, 2006



Cold sores
are a lifetime threat. That is, once the herpes simplex virus is contracted, there is no known way to eliminate this virus from the body. Keep in mind that everybody carries viruses every day. There are many strains and types of viruses such as viruses that cause the common cold and flu. As with the cold sore virus, our body, when healthy, will keep these viruses under control or "latent". Your body builds anti-bodies that act as defense soldiers. The absolute best of all cold sore remedies is the defense mechanism created by your body. When you are medically tested to see if you carry the herpes simplex virus, they take a blood sample and look for these anti-bodies. If you have the herpes simplex virus anti-bodies, whether you actually get cold sores or not, it means that you were infected at one time and carry the cold sore virus.
cold sores information.

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